音楽配信Digital Distribution


スマートフォン向けに 最新曲や人気曲、往年の名曲など豊富なジャンルのシングルやアルバムを200万曲超えて配信する総合音楽サービスです。
スマートフォンやパソコンでご利用いただける「楽譜データダウンロード」「月額定額 楽譜見放題」や、コンビニエンスストアのマルチコピー機で印刷する「コンビニ購入」など、多彩な利用方法をご用意。
楽譜 Viewerアプリ「playo(プレイオー)」

Our digital music distribution business provides appealing contents such as high-resolution audio files, and digital files of sheet music.

mysound is a digital platform for smartphones which gives you access to over two million tunes from various genres; from the latest hits to the standard numbers.

Printgakufu is a distribution service that allows you to easily purchase the sheet music of even a single song. A variety of purchase options are available, such as "download music score data" that can be used on smartphones and PCs, "unlimited music score viewing via a flat rate monthly fee", and "conbini purchase" that you can print on multi-use copy machines at convenience stores.
You can choose your favorite score from the lineup of over 250,000 scores of songs.

"Playo" is a music score viewing application. By linking with playo compatible services, you can not only browse the score, but also use various functions and contents that make playing and practicing comfortable.

